By Janine Carter
Domestication of canines was accomplished by humans thousands of years ago. Many think that the world’s first dogs were tamed wolves, as dogs share many biological traits with wolves. First of all they look very much alike and their actions are similar. They both have highly developed sense of smell and hearing.
Dogs are extremely loyal and dependent on their masters. They have a place in human society to which few other species can hold a candle. The only reward for dogs in many cases is a kind word and a pat on the head. Still, the study of wolves and dogs teaches us that many of their traits haven’t changed from before they were domesticated.
* Body Language is a postural display by canines that show you their intentions. When meeting a strange person, canines display their fear by raising their hackles, meaning, the hair stands up on their backs and necks. This display comes from lack of socialization with others. Of course this behavior would look more frightening with short-haired dogs, making them look larger and making the other dog or person fear him more. Many times a dog will also pull back his lips to show his teeth to make the display even more “large”.
* A dogs ears and tail positions can tell you what a dog is thinking. For example, if your dog’s ears go back flat and his tail goes between his legs, it means he is being submissive to humans or other dogs. The old saying “ran off with his tail between his legs” came from this postural display of dogs. Another submissive behavior is rolling over on the back.
* If a dog kneels or puts his front legs on the ground lowering his front quarters, it generally means he wants to play. This is always accompanied by a friendly wagging tail.
* Standing tall on stiff legs and circling another dog is a posture of superiority and domination. It often includes strutting around with frequent growling and snarling.
* An instinctive ritual in canines is circling before lying down. Some specialists say that this came from a habit long ago of circling to pack down the grass to give a soft bed to sleep in. Others think the dog is smelling the area for enemies before lying down, as they put their noses to the ground while they are performing this task.
* Attacking small animals is an innate hunting instinct in dogs from the time when they had to hunt for their food.
* Digging is a trait that is thought to come from the dog’s instinct to dig a den when there is nothing else appropriate to make a den with. Terriers were known to pursue their quarry through underground tunnels if necessary.
Other things to consider is the dogs sense of smell developed so they can sniff the air to find game and also to sniff out enemies that may be approaching. They have a wonderful sense of hearing for the same reasons and their sight is highly developed.
Although canines’ instincts and actions are influenced by their heredity, they are highly intelligent mammals, and are the products of a combination of training, experience and genetics.
This article was written by Posh Pampered Pets, please call 936-520-2903 for any questions. Our home office is located in Waller, Texas, with warehouses located throughout the United States such as Dallas TX, Houston TX, New York NY, Denver CO, Chicago ILL, Seattle WA, Kansas City MO, Miami FL, Raleigh-Durham NC, Washington DC, Los Angeles CA, Fayetteville AR,Philadelphia PA, Phoenix Arizona, San Antonio TX (Texas.
About the Author: This article was written by Janine Carter, owner of Posh Pampered Pets. If you have any questions regarding
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