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By Ellie Lewis
There are many forms of cosmetic surgery which can put perceived faults right, or fix something which was damaged in an accident. But it is often what happens after cosmetic surgery which counts. That is, the care which is taken to ensure the healing process progresses as it should and that the person who has had the operation is not expecting miracles overnight.
Some of the most common operations include getting rid of the wrinkles around the eyes and face in general. Although these do work to some extent, it is not natural for someone who has passed middle age to want to look like they are sixteen again. Indeed, celebrities around the world have actually made themselves look worse when their skin has been pulled and tucked to the point that they no longer have any facial expressions at all.
The normal person in the street, however, seldom goes to these limits and all they want is not to look so tired anymore. Sagging skin gives the impression that the person is too tired to move or laugh and this is how others tend to treat them if they have that kind of look.
One of the more extreme operations these days is where the waist is cut completely round the body and the whole bottom half of the body is pulled up like a pair of panty hose. This rather extreme operation is mainly for those people who have lost a huge amount of weight where the skin does not bounce back to where it used to be. Since obesity is becoming a huge problem (no pun intended) these days, this operation should become more common as time goes on.
For ladies who have had children, or who have not been blessed with much in the breast department, breast augmentation is a firm favorite. Some women will want to have implants while others will just want that youthful lift put back from pre pregnancy days. There are some women who want reductions too since they can sometimes be overwhelmed with what they got naturally. This can cause back and spine problems if left too long so doctors are more willing to reduce to stop further problems in future.
One other favorite procedure which is hitting the scene big time is the Brazilian butt lift. The doctor takes fat from other parts of the body and pumps it into the rear area. What transpires is a round and high butt line which is what is known as ‘apple bottom’ in the trade. African-Americans tend to have this as a natural trait, as do the Brazilians, but Caucasians now want the same thing too. Of course, sucking out fat from the thigh or belly area also makes them look trimmer too so this is a kind of double operation which should transform their appearance no end.
A word of warning here though! Not all doctors are created equal. Do a lot of research on what the doctor can do and what he cannot. Get referrals from satisfied clients before opting to choose one or the other.
About the Author: Ellie Lewis is researching
cosmetic surgery
for an article she is writing. She has found that
after cosmetic surgery
there are many recovery options.
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